Upgrade Your RV: How to Replace RV Lights with LED

Replacing outdated RV lights with LED not only saves you money in the long run but also provides an easy way to upgrade your recreational vehicle. LED lights offer bright, reliable lighting without the worry of excess electricity or constantly replacing bulbs. They last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs and come in sleek, stylish designs that add a touch of modern vibrancy to any space inside or outside your rig.

In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to replace RV lights with LED lighting, so you can start saving energy and money right away.

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Tools and Materials You Will Need

To replace RV lights with LED, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. LED light bulbs

  2. Screwdriver

  3. Ladder (if reaching high ceilings)

  4. Tape measure

  5. Electrical tape

  6. Wire stripper and cutter

  7. Voltage tester/multimeter

  8. Zip ties

Step-by-Step Guidelines on How to Replace RV Lights with LED

Step 1: Measure the RV Light Fixture and Buy the Appropriate LED Bulbs

The first step is to accurately measure the RV lights to determine the size of the bulbs you need to buy. You can either measure the size directly or measure the wattage of your current light bulbs and purchase LEDs with the same wattage or higher. LEDs require less wattage to produce the same amount of light, so make sure to consider this when selecting the bulbs.

Step 2: Turn Off the Power to the RV Lights

Before making any changes, ensure that you turn off the power in your RV to avoid the risk of electric shock. If you’re unsure about the location of the circuit breakers in your rig, it’s best to seek help from a professional electrician. Remember to refer to your RV’s manual for safety precautions.

Step 3: Remove the Old Light Bulbs and Disconnect the Wiring

Once the power is off, remove the existing light bulbs by unscrewing them from their socket and disconnecting any associated wiring. Inspect the wiring for any signs of wear or damage. If the wiring is in bad shape, it’s recommended to replace it before moving forward.

Step 4: Connect the New LED Bulbs and Test Them Out

Install your new LED lighting by carefully attaching each bulb according to its instructions. Double-check that all connections are secure before turning the power back on. Once everything is connected, turn the power back on and test out your new lighting. If everything looks good, you’re all set!

By following these steps, you can easily upgrade your RV lighting to LED and start enjoying the benefits of energy-efficient lighting.

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Additional Tips and Tricks to Replace RV Lights with LED

Here are some additional tips to make the replacement process smoother:

  1. Consider replacing the entire fixture rather than individual bulbs to increase efficiency and ensure a consistent light level throughout your RV.

  2. Make sure the LED lights you’re installing are compatible with the existing wiring harnesses in your RV. If not, you may need to adjust or rewire your current system.

  3. Take the necessary safety precautions, such as turning off all power sources and disconnecting the lighting circuit before working on the light fixture.

  4. Use a heat-resistant adhesive or sealant to hold the LED lights in place and prevent damage to other components in the RV.

  5. After installation, monitor your RV lighting system for any signs of flickering or irregularities. Address any issues immediately to ensure the safety and optimal performance of your RV.

Precautions for Replacing RV Lights with LED

When replacing your RV lights with LED, it’s important to take precautions to ensure a safe and efficient installation process. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Check the amperage of your RV lights and install LED bulbs with similar or lower amperage to avoid overloading the circuit.

  2. Ensure that the voltage rating of the replacement LEDs matches the original lights to avoid electrical hazards.

  3. Purchase LED bulbs specifically designed for the RV environment to ensure compatibility and longevity.

  4. Install LED replacements in pairs rather than replacing individual bulbs.

  5. Before installation, ensure that all components are in good working order and secure. Replace any loose or worn-out fixtures before installing new LED lights.

  6. Allow the LED lights to cool for a few hours after installation before switching them on.

By following these precautions, you can ensure a safe and successful installation of LED lights in your RV.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need Any Special Tools to Replace My RV Lights with LEDs?

Generally, no special tools are required. Most LED light bulbs are designed to directly replace incandescent bulbs used in many RVs. However, having basic tools such as a screwdriver and socket set can be helpful for removing existing fixtures or attaching new ones.

Will I Need to Make Any Electrical Wiring Changes to Install LEDs?

In most cases, no wiring changes are necessary when switching from incandescent bulbs to LED. However, it’s important to check your owner’s manual as some RV manufacturers may require different wattages or resistors for certain lighting circuits.

What Are the Benefits of Switching to LED Lights in My RV?

Switching to LED lights offers several benefits. LEDs use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, resulting in long-term cost savings. LED bulbs also last much longer and don’t require frequent replacements. Additionally, LED lights produce better lighting quality and have a lower heat output, improving safety.

Are LED Lights Bright Enough for My RV?

Yes, LED lights are more than bright enough for most RVs. They come in a variety of brightness levels to suit your needs. LEDs produce a whiter light that is often perceived as brighter than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Will I Need to Change Any Fixtures When Switching to LED Lights?

No, most LED bulbs are designed to fit directly into existing fixtures without requiring modifications or changes. However, if you prefer a more modern look, you can replace your existing fixtures with ones specifically designed for LEDs.

Are LED Lights More Expensive Than Traditional Incandescent Bulbs?

In most cases, LED lights are more expensive upfront. However, the energy savings and longer lifespan of LEDs offset the initial cost. Some RV owners opt for a combination of LED and traditional bulbs to save money while still enjoying the benefits of LED lighting.


Q1: Why should I consider upgrading my RV lights to LED?

A1: Upgrading to LED lights in your RV offers several benefits, including energy efficiency, longer lifespan, brighter illumination, and reduced heat emission. LED lights are also available in various colors and styles, allowing for customization.

Q2: Can I replace all types of RV lights with LED?

A2: In most cases, yes. LED replacements are available for various types of RV lights, including interior lights, exterior lights, taillights, and more. Ensure you choose LED bulbs or fixtures that are compatible with your specific RV model.

Q3: How do I choose the right LED bulbs for my RV?

A3: Consider the existing bulb type, voltage, and color temperature. Look for LED bulbs designed for RV use, ensuring they are compatible with the fixtures and power supply in your RV. Check the product specifications for guidance.

Q4: Are LED replacement bulbs compatible with dimmer switches in RVs?

A4: Not all LED bulbs are compatible with traditional dimmer switches. If your RV has dimmable lights, look for LED bulbs specifically designed for dimming applications or consider upgrading to LED-compatible dimmer switches.

Q5: Can I replace my RV’s fluorescent lights with LED tubes?

A5: Yes, there are LED tube replacements available for fluorescent fixtures in RVs. Ensure the LED tubes are compatible with your RV’s electrical system and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation.


Upgrading your RV lights to LED is a worthwhile DIY project that can save you money and provide improved visibility. By following the steps outlined in this article and taking the necessary precautions, you can easily replace your RV lights with LED and enjoy the benefits of energy-efficient lighting. So don’t hesitate – upgrade your RV lights today and experience the bright and long-lasting luminosity of LED lights!

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