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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2023

Do Any Smart Bulbs Work With 5GHz WiFi?

Hình ảnh
Many choices need to be made if you want to build a smart home. The compatibility of your new system with 5Ghz WiFi is one of them. Now, what distinguishes 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks? Below is an explanation! Does Your Smart Home Work With 5GHz WiFi? Make sure the smart bulb or other smart home appliance you plan to purchase is WiFi network compatible before you purchase it. Although 2.4GHz is the most popular frequency band for wireless internet, 5GHz networks are also available. What you should know about each one is as follows: The 2.4GHz spectrum had existed since before the year 2000 and was initially intended as an industrial-grade band reserved for non-consumer uses like satellite communications systems and microwave ovens. (which operate at similar frequencies). Although these radios weren't created with data transmission in mind, they still function fine for sending small packets of information from the device to the router over short distances because cordless phones ...